Articles In This Issue:
Improving Endodontic Debridement with Active Lavage*
Are Your Provisional Prostheses Working Well?*
How Dental Assistants Can Elevate Your Practice*
In the News: Silver Diamine Fluoride vs. Sealants
Products Rated Highly by CR Scientists and Clinical Evaluators
*Also available as a Single Topic Article
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Improving Endodontic Debridement with Active Lavage
This report describes current concepts and products for active endodontic lavage and makes suggestions for improvement of endodontic treatment.
This is one article from the May 2024 issue of Clinicians Report.
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Are Your Provisional Prostheses Working Well?
CR Clinicians and Scientists provide in-depth research on the many products and help dentists determine the best provisional material.
This is one article from the May 2024 issue of Clinicians Report.
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How Dental Assistants Can Elevate Your Practice
This article evaluates strategies of using more DAs as the practice grows to increase quality and profits. The article also suggests changes that may need to occur in some states or provinces to better utilize these crucial auxiliaries.
This is one article from the May 2024 issue of Clinicia...
3 CEs
Episode 2 of the 2024 Accelerated CR Dentistry Update Series presented by Dr. Gordon J. Christensen, Dr. Michael Dorociak, Dr. David Wright, Dr. Mark Durham, Dr. Barbara Mauldin, Dr. Richard Bauman, and others (recorded April 12, 2024).
Topics: Failures, Better Practice, AI, 3D Printing, Head Lights, Work/Life Balance, Irrigation, Leadership Characteristics
"I loved how each presenter br...
SUMMER 2025: Sail into the heart of adventure along Norway's majestic fjords on our unforgettable 2025 cruise!
CR Dentistry Update & Office Manager Course
July 12–19, 2025
"I have been attending Dr. Gordon's updates since 1986 and have thoroughly enjoyed including my four children. They look forward to joining me since they know their summer vacation will always be in a fun-filled place for...
In This Issue:
Is It Time to Change to Ergonomic Loupes?
Hydrogen Peroxide Gel Treatment for Gingiva and Improving Periodontal Health
In This Issue:
Fast Instrument Sterilization with Lower Cost
Prescription 5000 ppm Fluoride Dentifrice with Surfactants that Help Moisten Oral Cavity
Articles In This Issue:
Crowns have Changed—What Should You Change?*
In the News: Smile Direct and Sedation/Anesthesia Alert
Demystifying Controversies in Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Joints*
Are Tissue-Level Implants a Better Option?*
Products Rated Highly by CR Scientists and Clinical Evaluators
*Also available as a Single Topic Article
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Crowns have Changed—What Should You Change?
To enhance success in fixed prosthodontics, CR experts demonstrate the right material choices and tooth preparation techniques for the digital age.
This is one article from the April 2024 issue of Clinicians Report.
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Demystifying Controversies in Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Joints
CR Clinicians and Project Directors offer important information to clarify this controversial subject.
This is one article from the April 2024 issue of Clinicians Report.
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Are Tissue-Level Implants a Better Option?
This report discusses the advantages of tissue-level implants, together with other factors, that potentially improve implant success and patient outcomes.
This is one article from the April 2024 issue of Clinicians Report.
3 CEs
Episode 1 of the 2024 Accelerated CR Dentistry Update Series presented by Dr. Gordon J. Christensen, Dr. Michael Dorociak, Dr. David Wright, Dr. Mark Durham, Robert Spiel, Tim Palmer, and others (recorded February 16, 2024).
Topics: Top Products, Hiring, Prep Design and Materials, Associates, Low-Cost PVS, and Gordon's Techniques
"I enjoy the multiple presenter format in that it keeps my...
Articles In This Issue:
Bulk Fill Saves Time—But at What Cost?*
Have What You Need in a Medical Emergency*
Are Low-cost Impression Materials Adequate?*
Products Rated Highly by CR Scientists and Clinical Evaluators
*Also available as a Single Topic Article
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Bulk Fill Saves Time—But at What Cost?
CR Scientists examined different types of resin-based composites within several manufacturers’ product lines to determine their strengths and weaknesses, and if there were trade-offs associated with their use.
This is one article from the March 2024 issue of Clinicians Report.
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Have What You Need in a Medical Emergency
In this article, CR provides pragmatic information on:
Medical emergencies in dental offices
How to avoid emergencies, including the proper training and education
What medical emergency kits should and must include, including proper equipment
Suggested medical emergency kits for dental office...
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Are Low-cost Impression Materials Adequate?
The following report contains a summary of the comparison and the brands with the best combination of desirable clinical characteristics with low cost.
This is one article from the March 2024 issue of Clinicians Report.
April 18, 2025 (Friday)
"This course has had a greater impact on my practice and me than any other continuing education by a lot. An independent voice that has always been helpful to me and my patients. This is an amazing organization. These courses have given me confidence as a practitioner and person." — Dentistry Update attendee
February 14, 2025 (Friday)
"Dr. Christensen did a great job at covering a variety of topics and answering many questions I had without me even having to ask. I enjoyed taking this course." (Ft. Lauderdale Dentistry Update course attendee)
Articles In This Issue:
Solutions for Staffing Shortages in 2024*
3D-Printed Ceramic Crowns—A First Look*
Is It Time to Return to Conventional Glass Ionomer Cement?*
Products Rated Highly by CR Scientists and Clinical Evaluators
*Also available as a Single Topic Article
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Solutions for Staffing Shortages in 2024
How can we mitigate the damage from staffing changes, how do we make them less likely, and how do we attract quality people? This article provides potential solutions for these critical tasks.
This is one article from the February 2024 issue of Clinicians Report.
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3D-Printed Ceramic Crowns—A First Look
This report examines the potential advantages and limitations of 3D-printed ceramic materials, and compares current brands with other popular materials.
This is one article from the February 2024 issue of Clinicians Report.
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Is It Time to Return to Conventional Glass Ionomer Cement?
Every cement for cementation of indirect restorations since the beginning of dentistry has had significant strengths and weaknesses. This task appears to be a difficult challenge for manufacturers since current cements are still having problems. Popular crown types do NOT have marg...
In This Issue:
CR BUYING GUIDE: Best Products Tested for 2024
An 8-page resource of the best new dental hygiene products recently evaluated along with proven classics and new concepts. Includes brand names, descriptions, sources, and costs.
Articles In This Issue:
The Rising Popularity of Digital Impressions*
Elevate Your Dental Assistants and Enhance Your Practice*
Can Natural Teeth Be Successfully Connected to Implants?*
Products Rated Highly by CR Scientists and Clinical Evaluators
*Also available as a Single Topic Article
➲ SOLD SEPARATELY not included with online subscriptions
The Rising Popularity of Digital Impressions
This report provides an overview of current digital impression use, key considerations when acquiring an intraoral scanner, and test results for three scanners recently evaluated.
This is one article from the January 2024 issue of Clinicians Report.
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Elevate Your Dental Assistants and Enhance Your Practice
In this article, CR uses survey results along with expert advice to make specific recommendations to help educate dental assistants (DAs); identifies the Top 5 essential DA skills and gives specific advice on how a DA can learn these tasks; and focuses on how skill and technique enha...
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Can Natural Teeth Be Successfully Connected to Implants?
If the edentulous space is longer than you consider acceptable for a fixed prosthesis, an implant placed at an appropriate location in the space can provide a shorter edentulous space if you connect the implant to a strong natural tooth. Later in this article you will find specific p...
January 24 & 25, 2025 (Friday & Saturday)
"I appreciate the variety of topics Gordon touches on. It is fast paced and gives a concise, wide range of tidbits to take back to the practice. Very well organized in all aspects! Thank you for giving us real information." (Dr. Carrie Orn)
In This Issue:
CR BUYING GUIDE: Best Products Tested for 2024
A 20-page resource of the best new dental products recently evaluated along with proven classics and new concepts. This report includes brand names, descriptions, sources, and costs as well as clinical tips and helpful notes.
Articles In This Issue:
Dental A.I. is Here—Is it Hype, or Will it Help?*
Fast Instrument Sterilization with Lower Cost*
Is It Time to Change to Ergonomic Loupes?*
Products Rated Highly by CR Scientists and Clinical Evaluators
*Also available as a Single Topic Article
➲ SOLD SEPARATELY not included with online subscriptions
Dental A.I. is Here—Is it Hype, or Will it Help?
In this first look at dental A.I., CR’s Scientists and Clinicians will answer the questions surrounding where A.I. can help dentists and what A.I. hype dentists should carefully avoid.
This is one article from the November 2023 issue of Clinicians Report.
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Fast Instrument Sterilization with Lower Cost
The following report describes the role of rapid instrument sterilization in clinical practice and the features and performance of Maxima Turbo compared to other autoclave concepts.
This is one article from the November 2023 issue of Clinicians Report.
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Is It Time to Change to Ergonomic Loupes?
This report shows advantages and limitations of ergonomic prism loupes and compares features of various brands and designs.
This is one article from the November 2023 issue of Clinicians Report.
In This Issue:
Cordless Prophy Handpieces: Are they worth the expense?
Articles In This Issue:
When are Core Buildups Necessary?*
Cordless Prophy Handpieces: Are they worth the expense?*
Restorative Management of Gingival Recession*
Products Rated Highly by CR Scientists and Clinical Evaluators
*Also available as a Single Topic Article
➲ SOLD SEPARATELY not included with online subscriptions
When are Core Buildups Necessary?
The following report provides direction on the materials, the critical decisions, and the techniques that provide successful core buildups.
This is one article from the October 2023 issue of Clinicians Report.
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Cordless Prophy Handpieces: Are they worth the expense?
CR Scientists provide an inside look at popular brands and offer insights and recommendations.
This is one article from the October 2023 issue of Clinicians Report.
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Restorative Management of Gingival Recession
This report reviews the restorative management of gingival recession and identifies products available for your patients.
This is one article from the October 2023 issue of Clinicians Report.
Articles In This Issue:
Composite Complications: Predictable Solutions*
Botox in Dentistry: From Esthetics to Treating TMD*
Using Cone Beam Radiography in General Practice*
Products Rated Highly by CR Scientists and Clinical Evaluators
*Also available as a Single Topic Article
➲ SOLD SEPARATELY not included with online subscriptions
Composite Complications: Predictable Solutions
This report identifies a range of such complications, describes the challenges contributing to their occurrence, and provides solutions that can lead to improved success in resin-based composite restorations for practitioners.
This is one article from the September 2023 issue of Clinicians Re...
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Botox in Dentistry: From Esthetics to Treating TMD
In this issue, CR Scientists and expert clinicians share their insights into the potentially powerful effects of Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A (BoNT-A) and provide useful suggestions.
This is one article from the September 2023 issue of Clinicians Report.
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Using Cone Beam Radiography in General Practice
This report provides guidance for utilizing CBCT in general practice, highlights key features of current models, and offers a glimpse of how AI (Assisted Intelligence) is beginning to enhance diagnostic capabilities.
This is one article from the September 2023 issue of Clinicians Report.
In This Issue:
Improving Sealant Success and Longevity
Products Rated Highly by CR Scientists and Clinical Evaluators
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Managing Dental Fear and Anxiety
Part 1: Psychological management—prevention, etiology, recognition, and abundance of clinical tips.
Part 2: Pharmacological management of who, who not to, which drug, risks, and resources for continuing education.
Articles In This Issue:
Five Tips for Better Impressions*
Common Implant Problems and Possible Solutions*
Managing Dental Fear and Anxiety (Part 2): Sedation*
Products Rated Highly by CR Scientists and Clinical Evaluators
*Also available as a Single Topic Article
➲ SOLD SEPARATELY not included with online subscriptions
Five Tips for Better Impressions
This article leverages Clinicians Reports’ Scientists, Clinicians, and its extensive network of top industry experts to provide compelling facts and tips about impression making—particularly the very common PVS impressions—to help make great impressions better.
This is one article from the August 2023 issu...
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Common Implant Problems and Possible Solutions
When observing the many ways to replace a tooth, we are forced to admit that currently there is nothing as functional and esthetically pleasing as natural teeth, but implants can come close.
This is one article from the August 2023 issue of Clinicians Report.
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Managing Dental Fear and Anxiety (Part 2): Sedation
This article will give the reader an appreciation for the complexity of providing safe sedation, familiarity with the pharmacology, patient selection criteria (ASA risk assessment), required equipment/drugs, complication avoidance, and the much required educational resources for you to sa...
In This Issue:
Why Do Clinical Staff Prefer Handheld X-ray Units?