Single Topic #1 from March 2022, Volume 15 Issue 3


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Twin Troubles: Worker Shortages and Inflation—Advice

All industries, including dentistry, are suffering from a severe shortage of available workers. What is causing this change, and how long will it last? How do you navigate this challenge? How do you keep your current team from leaving for another position? How do you stay profitable in this time of inflation? Will this inflation continue in the coming years? Every time of great change yields opportunities; can you identify some of these?

This is one article from the March 2022 issue of Clinicians Report.

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Twin Troubles: Worker Shortages and Inflation—Advice

• The Current Situation
• Finding and Keeping Dental Workers in 2022: Adopt these “Unnatural Acts”
• Inflation of goods coupled with higher wage costs: How do you stay profitable?
• CR Survey Results
• Sample Help Wanted Ad
• CR Conclusions

This is one article from the March 2022 issue of Clinicians Report. For the entire issue, please go to March 2022.

Due to immediate access and download, purchase of past issues and single topic articles are non-refundable. CR is a non-profit, educational research institute. Your purchase funds this research.

Single Topic #1 from March 2022, Volume 15 Issue 3