Single Topic #2 from April 2021, Volume 14 Issue 4


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Broken-Down Teeth: Restore or Remove?

This report discusses the viability of saving a broken-down yet “restorable” natural tooth.

This is one article from the April 2021 issue of Clinicians Report.

Broken-Down Teeth 0421 ST


Broken-Down Teeth: Restore or Remove?

• CR Survey on Core Build-Ups
• Pre-Treatment Observations
• Treatment Restorative Criteria
• Core Build-Up Technique
• Post–Core Build-Up Technique—Endodontic Teeth
• CR Conclusions

This is one article from the April 2021 issue of Clinicians Report. For the entire issue, please go to April 2021.

Due to immediate access and download, purchase of past issues and single topic articles are non-refundable. CR is a non-profit, educational research institute. Your purchase funds this research.

Single Topic #2 from April 2021, Volume 14 Issue 4