Single Topic #2 from August 2020, Volume 13 Issue 8


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Pulp Capping: The Viable Alternative to Root Canal Treatment

In this report, CR Project Directors and clinicians offer a practical guide to pulp capping, which serves as an important alternative to traditional root canal treatment.

This is one article from the August 2020 issue of Clinicians Report.

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Pulp Capping: The Viable Alternative to Root Canal Treatment

• What is a pulp cap?
• The 2 Secrets to Pulp Capping
• Materials for Pulp Capping
• Techniques
• Pulp Capping after Trauma
• Pulp Capping with Single Crowns?
• Pulp Capping Primary Teeth?
• Clinical Tips
• CR Conclusions

This is one article from the August 2020 issue of Clinicians Report. For the entire issue, please go to August 2020.

Due to immediate access and download, purchase of past issues and single topic articles are non-refundable. CR is a non-profit, educational research institute. Your purchase funds this research.

Single Topic #2 from August 2020, Volume 13 Issue 8