Single Topic #2 from June 2022, Volume 15 Issue 6


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Occlusal Splints: Simple, Effective, and Needed!

This report reviews various splint types to help educate you on how best to incorporate the use of occlusal splints in your practice.

This is one article from the June 2022 issue of Clinicians Report.

Occlusal Splints 0622 ST


Occlusal Splints: Simple, Effective, and Needed!

• Dental Splints
• Common Non-directive, Stabilizing Splints
• Types of Splint Materials
• Maximizing Patient Comfort
• Fabricated by lab or in-office
• Maxillary vs. Mandibular
• Clinical Tips
• CR Conclusions

This is one article from the June 2022 issue of Clinicians Report. For the entire issue, please go to June 2022.

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Single Topic #2 from June 2022, Volume 15 Issue 6