Single Topic #3 from February 2023, Volume 16 Issue 2


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Antibiotic Crisis!

This article is a resource for dentists prescribing antibiotics, particularly as antibiotics decline in efficacy.

This is one article from the February 2023 issue of Clinicians Report.

Antibiotic Crisis 0223 ST


Antibiotic Crisis!

• Antibiotic Basic Science
• AMR (Antimicrobial Resistance)
• Conditions that Generally DO NOT Require Antibiotics in Immunocompetent Patient
• Clinical Situations Requiring Systemic Antibiotics
• American Assoc. Endodontists Antibiotic Guidelines
• Signs of Progressive Infection
• Common Autoimmune Diseases (Immunocompromised)
• AHA Guidelines for Infective Endocarditis (IE) and Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis (SBE) Prophylaxis
• Total Joint Prophylaxis AAOS (American Assoc. Orthopedic Surgeons) Recommendations
• When, Who, and Where to Refer for Severe Cases
• Penicillin Allergic Patient
• Resources
• Clinical Tips for Odontogenic Infection Control
• CR Conclusions

This is one article from the February 2023 issue of Clinicians Report. For the entire issue, please go to February 2023.

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Single Topic #3 from February 2023, Volume 16 Issue 2