Single Topic #3 from January 2023, Volume 16 Issue 1


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Ridge Preservation (RP) at Extraction: Why and How

This report discusses simple grating of extraction sites with fully intact bony walls. Surgical technique, osteogenic graft materials, and secure suture placement is emphasized. Patient compliance is critical to final success. Products listed are prevalent in survey; costs vary considerably.

This is one article from the January 2023 issue of Clinicians Report.

Ridge Preservation 0123 ST


Ridge Preservation (RP) at Extraction: Why and How

• Why Graft?
• When to Graft
• Pre-Op Considerations and Discussions
• Surgery Goal: Maintain All Extraction Site Osseous Walls (4 Wall Preservation) 
Bone Graft Material Usage
• Intact Extraction Sites: Preferred Type of Bone Graft Material
• Graft Placement Technique
• Suturing Over Plug or Membrane 
Membrane Placement Technique
• Plugs and Membrane Brand Names
• CR Conclusions

This is one article from the January 2023 issue of Clinicians Report. For the entire issue, please go to January 2023.

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Single Topic #3 from January 2023, Volume 16 Issue 1