Single Topic #2 from October 2018, Volume 11 Issue 10


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The Post-Recession Return of Veneers is Promising!

CR compares the major types of veneers and explains the state of the art for the materials and the best techniques.

This is one article from the October 2018 issue of Clinicians Report.

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This article on the post-recession return of veneers includes:

• Why place veneers instead of crowns?
• Comparative Characteristics of Veneer Types
• Tooth Preparations
• Techniques and Materials for IPS e.max and Fired Ceramic Veneers
• Techniques and Materials for Direct Resin Veneers
• Clinical Tips
• CR Conclusions

This is one article from the October 2018 issue of Clinicians Report. For the entire issue, please go to October 2018.

* Due to immediate access and download, purchase of past issues and single topic articles are non-refundable. CR is a non-profit, educational research institute. Your purchase funds this research.

Single Topic #2 from October 2018, Volume 11 Issue 10