Single Topic #1 from September 2023, Volume 16 Issue 9


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Composite Complications: Predictable Solutions

This report identifies a range of such complications, describes the challenges contributing to their occurrence, and provides solutions that can lead to improved success in resin-based composite restorations for practitioners.

This is one article from the September 2023 issue of Clinicians Report.

Composite Complications 0923 ST


Composite Complications: Predictable Solutions

  1. Early failure of the restoration, cusp or restoration breaks, recurrent caries
  2. Recurrent caries leading to failure of the restoration, open margins, sensitivity
  3. Contamination of the prep leading to sensitivity, lack of adhesion, failure of the restoration, caries
  4. The color of the restoration does not match the adjacent teeth
  5. New interproximal caries on the tooth adjacent to the tooth that was restored previously
  6. Tooth becomes sensitive after the restoration is placed
  7. Inadequate polymerization, incomplete conversion, free monomer, insufficient hardness, increased wear, sensitivity, reduced strength, and early failure of restoration
  8. Open contact leading to food traps, gingival, and patient irritation
  9. Restoration is rough, enamel margins are mutilated, white lines appear upon finishing
  10. Poorly done composite leading to esthetic and functional concerns
    • CR Conclusions

This is one article from the September 2023 issue of Clinicians Report. For the original article, please go to September 2023.

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Single Topic #1 from September 2023, Volume 16 Issue 9 - Single Topic Articles