Single Topic #2 from April 2020, Volume 13 Issue 4


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Root Canal, Implant, or Fixed Partial Denture? A Clinician’s Dilemma

This report helps clinicians in their decision-making process on whether to replace or retain compromised teeth.

This is one article from the April 2020 issue of Clinicians Report.

Clinicians Dilemma 0420 ST


Root Canal, Implant, or Fixed Partial Denture? A Clinician’s Dilemma

• Factors in Determining if a Compromised Tooth is Restorable
• Strategic Position of the Tooth within the Dentition
• Treatment Planning the Compromised Tooth
• Factors Influencing the Treatment Plan
• CR Conclusions

This is one article from the April 2020 issue of Clinicians Report. For the entire issue, please go to April 2020.

* Due to immediate access and download, purchase of past issues and single topic articles are non-refundable. CR is a non-profit, educational research institute. Your purchase funds this research.

Single Topic #2 from April 2020, Volume 13 Issue 4 - Single Topic Articles