CR Dentistry Update Speaker Bio

Tim Palmer, BS, Chief Scientific Officer

Tim PalmerTim has been an integral part of the CR science team since 1986 when he started as a part-time research assistant while still in secondary school. He has been actively involved with all the science departments through the years, but his favorite task is evaluating curing lights.

Tim’s daily work involves developing test methods to verify the capabilities of dental equipment and materials in laboratory tests and clinically realistic simulations. Examples include building a camera system to record real-time hydrophilic properties of impression materials; designing an apparatus to measure speed of electric and air-turbine handpieces under varying loads; mounting strain gages on electric toothbrushes to measure force during use; and building various black rooms, closets, and boxes for the evaluation of dental light sources of every kind.

Tim holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Brigham Young University with a minor in Math. He and his wife Meridy are the parents of one daughter and six sons. In his free time he enjoys reading, camping, woodworking, and astronomy. He is an active leader and donates significant time to youth programs and the lay ministry of his church.


Tim Palmer